One word, 5 minutes to think and write, all at the same time.
I placed my hand on the knob. Just as I was about to turn it, I heard a voice from behind.
“Don’t open that door. You don’t know where it will lead.”
I turned around, and all I could see was a mess of a man, dark, all in black. On his form were the words confusion, chaos, doubt. Fear. Should I listen to him? If I did, where would I go?
This door, the door in front of me, it was ready for me to open and walk through. What awaited me on the other side? If I just closed my eyes and turned the knob, I could walk in. I could walk away from the one who was holding me back.
Just breathe.
I knew that what lie on the other side of this door was good. I just knew it.
Something good was calling me from within.
Fear and doubt can hold us back from what God is calling us to do. He makes a way for us, opens doors for us, but sometimes our choices are made based upon the flesh, our worldly thoughts and feelings. We have to leave behind these fears and put our trust in the One who gives us hope.
We just need to open the door.
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. Join me and others as we reflect on, and write about one word each week for only 5 minutes.
If you are visiting from FMF, welcome! Feel free to check out my other posts. On Tuesdays I write from the heart, using Scriptural references. On Fridays, I like to share some of my fiction.