It’s Five Minute Friday again…on a Saturday this time. I was exhausted yesterday! But here it is. The word? SEARCH.
MY 3-year-old son loves to play Hide and Seek. The funny thing is, when he hides he starts to make noises when he knows we’re close by. He wants us to find him quickly so he can take his turn to find us.
I was thinking about this recently. Hide and Seek. The words “Seek ye first” came to mind. We need to seek first the Kingdom of heaven. But we don’t have to search for God. God is there. Always. Just waiting for us to knock on his door.
God is almost like my son. If we can’t find him because we just don’t know how to seek him out, he makes plenty of noise. He makes a way to him. We need to listen. Quietly, carefully. We’ll hear him, and then we will find him.
And when we have found him, if we get lost he will search for us. He’ll seek us out, leaving behind the 99.
And when we have found him, if we get lost he will search for us. He’ll seek us out, leaving behind the 99.
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. Join me and others as we reflect on, and write about one word each week for only 5 minutes.
If you are visiting from FMF, welcome! Feel free to check out my other posts. On Tuesdays I write from the heart, using Scriptural references. On Fridays, I like to share some of my fiction.
I love the story about your son, and it’s true – God is like that too! As soon as we begin to search, he makes a noise because he wants us to find him! Visiting from FMF #6.
I used to love to play hide and seek! Thanks for the reminder and for sharing. FMF #45 this week.