It’s time for another 5 Minute Friday post!
One of my favorite songs is called, The Touch of the Master’s Hand. It’s an older folk song, but I heard it redone when I was a teen. It’s a song about God, and how he is the one who makes us who we are. The song takes place at an auction where the last item is an old violin.
The auctioneer is calling out 1 dollar, 2, 3. It’s hot, the people are tired and want to get home. This violin has seen it’s day and is not a hot selling item.
But then something happens. An older man walks up to the front of the room, takes the violin, and tunes it. He then plays out “a melody pure and sweet, sweeter than the angels sing.”
When the music stopped, the crowd was silent. They were in awe of what this man could do with the violin, an instrument they pegged as washed up, old, and useless. But when the master played it, and the melodious sound filled the room, a new perspective opened up.
Then the auctioneer asked for bids again. $1000, $2000, $3000. The people had no idea what happened. They asked, and the auctioneer spoke.
“It was the touch of the Master’s hand.”
There are times when others call us “unworthy,” and we believe it. But that’s not how God sees us. He is the Master, the one who takes his creation and shows anyone willing to listen just how wonderful we really are.
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. Join me and others as we reflect on, and write about one word each week for only 5 minutes.
If you are visiting from FMF, welcome! Feel free to check out my other posts. On Tuesdays I write from the heart, using Scriptural references. On Fridays, I like to share some of my fiction.
I love that song too! It’s easy to forget what God can do with us! We see ourselves as not enough or too old. But it’s exactly those circumstances when the Master can shine through. I enjoyed your thoughts today! Cindy your #fmf neighbor
Yes! We can get too busy with what we and others think and forget that there’s a God who is so much greater, yet He calls us by name.
I remember that recited as a poem which was beautiful! But even more beautiful is what you said about the Master’s touch, God himself and how he sees us.
I never realized until looking it up on YouTube on Friday that it was actually a poem. I love that it started there, and others had vision to turn it into the song.