Collision of Lies by Tom Threadgill has not yet been released, but thanks to Baker Publishing and Interviews and Reviews, I was able to read an advanced reader copy and can now share my thoughts with you. If it interests you, I highly recommend pre-ordering this book on Amazon. Collision of Lies releases February 4th, 2020.
Collision of Lies by Tom Threadgill
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When it was time to choose a new book to read, I searched for one that was different from any others I had been reading at the time. Collision of Lies by Tom Threadgill piqued my interest, and though I knew it would pull at my sensitive heartstrings, it was a story I wanted to read. I’m glad I did.
This was a story I had a hard time putting down, though there were times I knew I had to. From the very beginning I was hooked. Amara Alavarez has become a new favorite character for me, and the humor that laces itself throughout the story starting with her character and the characters she comes in contact with is a delight. I enjoyed Alvarez’s honesty. She knew what she wanted – or didn’t want – and she didn’t hide it.
The very first lines of chapter one give a peek into Alvarez’s character:
Thirty seconds.
If they were still arguing, she’d call the cops then. Let the professionals deal with them.
The humor in this is that she was one of those professionals. It just so happened that it was her day off, and she didn’t want to be bothered.
However, she does end up intervening, reluctantly though it may have been, and it sets up the rest of the story: A search for children who may or may not still be alive after their burials three years earlier.
Tom Threadgill did a wonderful job making me feel like I was a part of the story. The characters were real, the story believable. It was as though I was on the clue search right along with Alvarez, Colby, and Starsky. I was invested in this story and needed to know how it was going to end. And though I would have preferred a different ending, I appreciate how the author chose to keep it real. Not everything can wrap up with a happily ever after.
One thing that did bother me was all the missed opportunities to bring God into this story. Though He wasn’t completely disregarded – His name was brought up randomly – there were times God could have been relied on more since this story is Christian fiction. However, this would not deter me from reading more from this author.
I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone looking for a light suspense thriller with some humor. I’m looking forward to more adventures with Detective Amara Alvarez.
I received this book courtesy of Baker Publishing Group/Revell, through Interviews & Reviews.
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